How to get to Montserrat Montserrat Travel?

If you have an extra day in Barcelona or on a different day if you want to spend a day in the mountains of Montserrat tour certainly can.
Montserrat, Barcelona, ​​is located 40 miles northwest. Other high view of the city is renowed even around.

Especially in the spring or in good weather can make a lot of things on the trip to Montserrat. Cloudy weather, dense clouds covering the mountain environment of Montserrat is a very varied weather data, but it is also worth a visit, we recommend that you still would like to ride on a sunny spring.

When you arrive at the mountain, Montserrat Monastery is located on the hill. This monastery dates back to the 10th century are the basics. The icon of the Virgin of Montserrat, which is a lot of Moreneta is believed to perform miracles. With this feature, the Catalans have been pilgrim center. These pilgrimages are made on 27 April and 8 September.

Montserrat Monastery is located several additional buildings, their hotel, post office, souvenir shop and cafeteria sales are.

Montserrat in the cafeterias, restaurants are located, but they are more expensive than usual. Therefore, we recommend you have a picnic. If you prefer your restaurant Restaurant de Montserrat we will advise you. Cliff-side location offers a spectacular sight to visitors.

Montserrat has a walking path around a lot. With the help of these plates around the monastery has been marked trails and mountain roads takes shape in the form. Before walking you to take your camera with you and advise you of water.

How to get to Montserrat? 
Transportation from Barcelona to Montserrat can be done in two ways. The first way by car.

Montserrat transportation by car: A2 towards Lleida Zaragoza after about 20 minutes you can park your vehicle at the exit Monistrol de Montserrat.

Montserrat Arrival by train: You can take the train from Barcelona from Plaza Espanya stop. Rallying at this stop train ticket you can get with the help of officials from the yellow machines.

Montserrat train times: train available every hour. The first train in the morning at 8:36. Landing station: Monistrol de Montserrat

Stop waiting in Monistrol a second train (to Cramal) 600 m above you is making. The second is reached in 15 minutes by train to Montserrat. There is a train every 20 minutes. Instead you can also go with the cable car to Montserrat to Crammal. For this option, you get your ticket from Plaza Espanya in this way.
Montserrat Train fee: € 30 per person (total)

Montserrat What to Eat? 
Mel i Mato, when you reach the Monastery of Montserrat in the market at the bottom of Catalan traditional fresh cheese with a sweet honey mixture sold. We recommend you to look at while you're enjoying.

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