Barcelona Best Tapas Restaurants

What is Tapas? 
Tapas are served in small plates to share and forth are the Spanish flavor. 
If the sofas on small bread in Spanish is called Montaditos. Some of my friends are the same intellectual tapas and Montaditos note that there are also different from each other. 
In Spain, tapas culture come from? 
According to some, this culture is based on the former. Thus, in ancient times it would have been too many flies in the Spanish restaurant. Spanish fly into wine to customers who do not want to escape "plug plug saying" (dictionary meaning close) they're small plates of food in the data. They were close upon these plates, wine glasses. 
Still wine in a restaurant in the southern region of Spain beside a plate of tapas when you want to come and are included in the price. Mercenaries in Barcelona. 
After informing us that the real issue in this small best tapas in Barcelona, ​​where to eat, let's get to it. 

1) Cerveceria Catalana 
My favorite. Definitely number one. Taste, atmosphere, service is excellent. Point frequented by both locals and tourists. Patatas Bravas best I've tasted. 
Brochette de Langostinos (Jumbo Shrimp Skewer) is strongly recommended. 
For meat lovers, the Ternera Solomillo (veal). 
Only 10 out of 10 in Barcelona is an important reminder to me, take your place for dinner before 20:30. Or friends who do not like the wait can be trouble. I'm telling you.
Address: Carrer de Mallorca, 236 (on the corner of Rambla de Catalunya.) 
The average price per person: 15-20 € 

2) Ciutat Condal 
The menu is exactly the same as Cerveceria Catalana. Other restaurants of the same chain. In the same way number 10. 
Address: Rambla de Catalunya, 18 
The average price per person: 15-20 € 

3) Taller de Tapas 
Barcelona where you can see many parts of the chain. Flavors, tastes good level. Portions a bit small. When you sit on the terrace, an extra 15% is added to the price difference. You can try for different environments. 7 out of 10. 
The average price per person: 20-25 € 

4) the Tapa Madre 
I recently tried a tapas restaurant by chance. The tapas menu is really quite good. Traditional flavors have blended very well. Service is fast. Prices are affordable. If you fall your way and Buñuelos calamares a la Plancha de Bacalao (Pisces), we highly recommend it. 
To me, 8 out of 10. 
Address: Carrer de Mallorca, 301. 
The average price per person: 15-20 €

5) Casa Alfonso 
Interior design and an extensive menu with Casa Alfonso is definitely worth trying. Outside tapas menu of meat, fish options available. Therefore they offer different options together.
As the place is very central, just a few minutes walk from the Metro stop Bruc. In the heart of the city, can be booked.
8 out of 10.
Address: Carrer de Roger de Llúria, 6, 08010 Barcelona
The average price per person: 20-25 €
Tel: 933 01 97 83
Now, a tapas bar or restaurant you choose from the classic example I want to give you a menu. For those who are not content in any pig.

Patatas Bravas (fried potatoes cubed, with special sauce)
Calamares a la Romana (Fat Frying Squid)
Chipirones (Small Calamari Fries)
Calamares a la Plancha (Grilled Squid)
Pescadito frito (fried fish, anchovies's smallest)
Pan con tomate (tomato and olive oil on bread slices plowed)
Langostinos a la plancha (grilled jumbo prawns)
Pimientos del Padron (fried green peppers)
Tabla de queso (cheese plate)
Aceitunas or Olivos (Olive)
Ensalada (salad)
Vino (Wine)
Cerveza (beer)
Agua (Water)
Zumo (Fruit Juice)
Even when describing my mouth water flowed. Pleasure is good for you.

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